A Church Without Doctrinal Stand Is A Slaughter House

Baptism in the Name of Jesus: A Scriptural Mandate

At Voice of the Bride Ministry, we follow the apostolic example of baptism as recorded in the Book of Acts. Peter declared in Acts 2:38, ‘Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.’ This command underscores the necessity of baptism in the name of Jesus Christ, contrasting with the later Trinitarian formula that emerged from church traditions. We reject the baptismal titles of ‘Father, Son, and Holy Ghost’ as they are not explicitly instructed in Scripture, and instead, we adhere to the biblical practice of invoking the name of Jesus in baptism, which carries the authority and power for the remission of sins.

The Authority of Scripture: Rejecting Man-Made Traditions

Voice of the Bride Ministry is unwavering in its commitment to the absolute authority of Scripture. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, sufficient for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). We reject any teachings, practices, or traditions that are not explicitly rooted in Scripture, understanding that ‘the traditions of men’ often lead to a departure from the truth (Mark 7:8). Our ministry stands as a beacon of biblical truth, calling believers back to the simplicity and purity of the Gospel as it was originally given, free from the corruptions of human innovation.

The Oneness of God: Understanding the Apostolic Doctrine

In a world filled with diverse interpretations of God’s nature, the Voice of the Bride Ministry firmly stands on the biblical truth of the oneness of God. The apostles taught that God is one, not three, as seen in Deuteronomy 6:4: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.’ This doctrine rejects the trinity, which divides God into three distinct persons, in favor of the understanding that God manifested Himself fully in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:9). We uphold this truth as foundational, emphasizing that the God of the Bible is singular in essence, but reveals Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit within His oneness.

From the Overseer’s Desk

Why We Stand Against Denominationalism

Voice of the Bride Ministry stands firmly against denominationalism, believing that it creates divisions within the Body of Christ that are contrary to God’s will. Jesus prayed for the unity of His followers in John 17:21, desiring that ‘they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You.’ We reject the man-made traditions and doctrinal deviations that have fragmented the church into competing denominations. Instead, we are committed to returning to the purity of the apostolic faith, where believers are united under the truth of God’s Word, free from the heresies and sectarianism that have plagued the church for centuries.

The Voice of the Bride Ministry’s Vision for the Future

Voice of the Bride Ministry is not just focused on the present; we have a clear vision for the future that is rooted in God’s promises. Our goals include the completion of our permanent church site, which will serve as a hub for spiritual growth, community outreach, and global evangelism. Beyond the physical expansion, our vision is to continue growing in influence as a ministry that boldly proclaims the truth, exposes error, and prepares the Bride of Christ for His return. We are committed to training up the next generation of believers, equipping them to carry the mantle of faith with the same zeal and commitment as those who came before them.

Prayer as a Weapon: Spiritual Warfare in the End Times

In these last days, prayer is not just a spiritual discipline—it is a weapon of warfare. At Voice of the Bride Ministry, we understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Our prayer meetings are battlegrounds where believers engage in spiritual warfare, pulling down strongholds and claiming victory in the name of Jesus. We teach that prayer is the means by which we access the power of God to overcome the enemy’s tactics and to secure our place in God’s plan for the end times. Through fervent, faith-filled prayer, we are equipped to stand firm in the evil day, fully armored with the Word of God.

Contending For The Faith Once Delivered To The Saints

The Fivefold Ministry: Apostolic Leadership in the Modern Church

The fivefold ministry—Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers—is the divine leadership structure set by God to edify the church and perfect the saints (Ephesians 4:11-12). At Voice of the Bride Ministry, we adhere to this apostolic model, recognizing that these offices are gifts to the church for guiding, teaching, and equipping believers. Unlike many modern churches that add titles and roles beyond what Scripture prescribes, we remain committed to the simplicity and purity of the fivefold ministry as established by Christ. This structure not only preserves the integrity of church leadership but also ensures that every believer is properly nurtured in their spiritual journey.

Understanding the Apostolic Faith: A Return to Biblical Foundations

In a world of shifting doctrines, Voice of the Bride Ministry is anchored in the unchanging truth of the apostolic faith. We reject the trappings of modern deviations and hold fast to the practices of the early church, such as baptism in the name of Jesus Christ and the emphasis on the oneness of God. Our commitment is to return to the biblical foundations that were laid by the apostles, ensuring that our faith remains pure and undefiled.

The Church as a Non-Profit Entity: Freely Received, Freely Given

The apostles operated with the understanding that the church was not to be a profit-making enterprise, but a vessel for the free dissemination of the Gospel. As Jesus instructed in Matthew 10:8, ‘Freely ye have received, freely give.’ Voice of the Bride Ministry upholds this principle by ensuring that all spiritual services, teachings, and ministerial functions are offered without financial exploitation. We believe that the church should be a place where the truth of God is freely accessible to all, without the corrupting influence of monetary gain. Our commitment is to keep the Gospel pure, untainted by the greed that has infiltrated many religious institutions.

Prayer as a Weapon: Spiritual Warfare in the End Times

In these last days, prayer is not just a spiritual discipline—it is a weapon of warfare. At Voice of the Bride Ministry, we understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Our prayer meetings are battlegrounds where believers engage in spiritual warfare, pulling down strongholds and claiming victory in the name of Jesus. We teach that prayer is the means by which we access the power of God to overcome the enemy’s tactics and to secure our place in God’s plan for the end times. Through fervent, faith-filled prayer, we are equipped to stand firm in the evil day, fully armored with the Word of God.

Jesus Christ Bride Assembly’s Vision for the Future

Voice of the Bride Ministry is not just focused on the present; we have a clear vision for the future that is rooted in God’s promises. Our goals include the completion of our permanent church site, which will serve as a hub for spiritual growth, community outreach, and global evangelism. Beyond the physical expansion, our vision is to continue growing in influence as a ministry that boldly proclaims the truth, exposes error, and prepares the Bride of Christ for His return. We are committed to training up the next generation of believers, equipping them to carry the mantle of faith with the same zeal and commitment as those who came before them.

Notice of Ministry Name Change

Voice of the Bride Ministry is pleased to announce a change in our official name following our registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission. The ministry will now be known as Jesus Christ Bride Assembly. However, Voice of the Bride Ministry remains the name divinely given and will continue to be used as an alias.

This change was necessitated by a name conflict discovered during the registration process. Along with this name change, we will also be introducing updates such as a new logo and a redesigned website, set to launch next year.

To clarify, our church will be officially recognized as Jesus Christ Bride Assembly, also known as Voice of the Bride Ministry. We appreciate your understanding and support as we transition to this new chapter.

The Overseer – Jesus Christ Bride Assembly

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