How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings” (Isaiah 52:7). This year is not just about receiving good tidings but being carriers of the Gospel, sharing salvation with the lost. Blessed are those who take this divine message to others.

God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). A sound mind grounded in Christ empowers us to live boldly for His glory. True prosperity lies not in material gain but in knowing our names are written in the Book of Life. As Jesus said, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness” (Matthew 6:33).

Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord examines the heart (1 Samuel 16:7). When the demoniac was delivered, he was found “clothed and in his right mind” (Mark 5:15). Likewise, a sound mind resists immodesty and destructive behaviors that reflect a polluted soul in need of divine restoration.

“Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father” (Matthew 7:21). Salvation is rooted in obedience to God’s Word, not in religious acts. Grace is not a license to sin but a call to holy living.

The god of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers, preventing them from seeing the light of the Gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4). A sound mind, renewed in Christ, resists such corruption. We must guard our hearts diligently, for out of them flow the issues of life.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart” (Psalm 139:23). Sanctification begins with a contrite heart. Jesus declared, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). This salvation is individual, transforming lives to align with the Gospel and preparing them to dwell with Him in eternity.

The Gospel brings redemption to the lost and testifies against those who reject it. Let us count ourselves privileged to receive this truth, for true joy lies in having our names written in heaven. As we live holy lives, may we pray, “Give me a conscience that fears God and a heart that trembles at His Word.” For the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and only those with renewed minds shall dwell with Him forever.

In Jesus’ Name, may we all receive the power, love, and sound mind God has promised.


Excerpts By: Pastor Timothy Pemu on 29th December 2024

If you notice, the trimming of the lamp was done by all the virgins, both wise and foolish, as seen in Matthew 25. However, the wise, their lamps burned brighter; the foolish, theirs went out. Why? They lacked oil, the essential element. Brethren, if the rapture were to happen today, where would you stand? Jesus warned in the same parable that preparation and vigilance are critical, for many may be caught unprepared when the midnight cry sounds. The devil has set traps to weaken us, causing spiritual slumber and loss of focus.

The mystery of iniquity, as mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:7, is already at work. It enslaves believers, causing them to do what they know is wrong while making it impossible to stop. This power operates through the ‘spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience’ (Ephesians 2:2). It fuels actions like fornication, lying, and spiritual laziness. Jesus foretold in Matthew 24 that because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. Brethren, as long as this power grips us, our fire for God will diminish. Today, we must arise in spirit, turning from dead works, so we can ascend with Christ when He calls.

Many in the church have lost focus, chasing personal ambitions while neglecting kingdom assignments. As Jesus illustrated in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, each of us is accountable for the gifts and purposes God has entrusted to us. When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, He will ask, ‘Where are the talents I gave you?’ Brethren, let us return to our first love, seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Therein lies our true purpose and joy.

Ephesians 5:16 reminds us to redeem the time, for the days are evil. Each day, wickedness grows – pornography, deceit, and blood rituals are more accessible than ever. Even children, with just a smartphone, can access what once seemed distant. In such perilous times, what should the believer do? It is lamp-trimming time! Just as the wick of a lantern must be adjusted to burn brighter, so must our spiritual lives be purified and our lights raised. Let us cut away the distractions and let our light shine boldly in this dark world.

My joy is not in material wealth or prestige. As Paul said in 1 Thessalonians 2:19, ‘What is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His coming?’ My joy is seeing a sinner repent, a wicked heart turn to righteousness, or a soul cry out to God in godly sorrow. That is my private jet, my crown, my ultimate fulfillment in ministry. Brethren, this is what we are called to – a ministry focused not on earthly gain but on eternal transformation.



The records on Melchizedek, as presented in Hebrews 7, often leads to the assumption that he was Christ due to phrases such as “without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life” (Hebrews 7:3). However, a deeper look reveals that this interpretation stems from private reasoning rather than explicit scriptural evidence.

* Typology and Interpretation:

The Bible employs typology to illustrate spiritual truths. For instance, 1 Corinthians 10:4 identifies a rock as “Christ,” but it was merely a type, not Christ Himself. Similarly, the term “like unto the Son of God” (Hebrews 7:3) indicates similitude (Hebrews 7:15), not identity. This reflects the broader use of typology to point to spiritual realities without equating the type with the shadow.

* Priesthood Context:

Hebrews 7 centers on the concept of priesthood. Unlike the Levitical priesthood, which required genealogical lineage to Aaron, Melchizedek’s priesthood stands out because no genealogical records link him to any lineage. The absence of documentation emphasizes the uniqueness of his priesthood and its contrast with the Levitical system. The cultural practice, as seen in Ezra 2:59-62, excluded individuals without recorded lineage from the priesthood, reinforcing this contrast.

* Historical and Geographical Clarity:

Melchizedek, described as the king of Salem, existed in a known physical location identified as Jerusalem (Joshua 18:28). This tangible association dispels any notion of a mystical or otherworldly existence. Additionally, the presence of other rulers, such as Adonizedek of Jerusalem (Joshua 10:1), highlights the history of human governance in this land. If Melchizedek were a theophany or pre-incarnate Christ, Salem would also bear a mystical nature, which is not supported by the Scripture.

* Human Nature of Melchizedek:

The Bible consistently portrays Melchizedek as a man. For example, Hebrews 7:4 refers to him explicitly as “this man.” Abraham’s interaction with Melchizedek in Genesis 14:18-20 did not involve worship, further distinguishing him from divine manifestations. Moreover, the titles attributed to Melchizedek—King of Righteousness and King of Peace—are drawn from typology and the meanings of his name and location rather than functional or divine claims.

* Genealogical Records and “Without Father or Mother”:

The statement in Hebrews 7:3 about being “without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life” reflects the absence of Melchizedek’s genealogy in priestly records. In Israel, genealogical records were vital for establishing priestly and royal lineages. Examples in Ezra 2:59-62 and 2 Chronicles 31:17-19 illustrate how individuals without documented lineage were excluded from priestly service. Thus, the absence of such records for Melchizedek typologically prefigures Christ’s priesthood, which is eternal and not based on hereditary descent (Psalm 110:4).

* Titles and Typology:

Melchizedek’s titles, King of Righteousness and King of Peace, are derived from the interpretation of his name and the location of Salem. For instance:

  • “King of Righteousness” reflects the Hebrew etymology of Melchizedek’s name (Melek = King, Tzedek = Righteousness).
  • “King of Peace” aligns with Salem’s meaning (Peace).

These titles, however, do not suggest divine identity. Similarly, names like Adonizedek (Lord of Righteousness) in Joshua 10:1 highlight how human kings bore names that referenced divine attributes without implying their divinity.

* Jesus’ Distinction:

Hebrews 7:15-16 clarifies that Christ is a priest “after the similitude of Melchizedek,” emphasizing distinction rather than equivalence. Christ’s priesthood is based on the power of an endless life, surpassing the typological priesthood of Melchizedek. Furthermore, Hebrews 7:17 references Psalm 110:4, reinforcing the prophetic foundation for Christ’s superior and eternal priesthood.

* Abraham’s Encounter with Melchizedek:

In Genesis 14:18-20, Melchizedek’s interaction with Abraham underscores his role as a priest of the Most High God. Abraham’s act of giving a tenth of the spoils signifies recognition of Melchizedek’s priestly authority but does not elevate him to a divine status as also applicable to the Levites that take tithes. Notably, Abraham’s worship was reserved for God alone, as seen in other instances of divine encounters.

* “Abideth a Priest Continually”:

The phrase “abideth a priest continually” in Hebrews 7:3 arises from the absence of records detailing Melchizedek’s birth, death, or genealogical succession. This lack of documentation typologically suggests an eternal priesthood, pointing to Christ’s true and eternal priesthood. However, this is a derived interpretation within the typological framework rather than a literal statement about Melchizedek’s nature.

Conclusively, Melchizedek’s identity as a human being, not Christ, aligns with biblical context, typology, and historical evidence. His portrayal serves as a shadow of the superior and eternal priesthood of Christ. The narrative emphasizes the transition from the Levitical law to the grace and eternal priesthood of the new covenant in Christ.

Full teaching coming soon. Shalom!



Jesus Christ Bride Assembly
Cordially invites you to our special

1-Day Men’s Program:

“Embracing God’s Call to Leadership”

Pst.Timothy Efetobore Pemu

📅 Date: Sat 28th September, 2024
📍 Venue: Church Hall 1, Gapiona Avenue, Off Benoni Hospital Rd, Airport Rd, Benin City

For inquiries, please contact:
Men’s Coordinator:
📞 08053839318
📞 08039306905
📞 08023042390

We look forward to your esteemed presence!

Step into a transformative experience with our Annual Men’s Program, where the foundation of Christian leadership is built and reinforced. As the head of both the family and the church, men hold a pivotal role in God’s divine order. This program is dedicated to our Noble Men, the pillars of our faith community, who are called to lead by example and walk in the footsteps of Christ. Through powerful teachings and fellowship, we aim to instill unwavering faith, obedience, and godly fear in our men. Join us as we empower our men to strengthen their homes and uphold the standard of Christian living, ensuring they emerge as true leaders in both their households and the church.

Prayer as a Weapon: Spiritual Warfare in the End Times

In these last days, prayer is not just a spiritual discipline—it is a weapon of warfare. At Voice of the Bride Ministry, we understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Our prayer meetings are battlegrounds where believers engage in spiritual warfare, pulling down strongholds and claiming victory in the name of Jesus. We teach that prayer is the means by which we access the power of God to overcome the enemy’s tactics and to secure our place in God’s plan for the end times. Through fervent, faith-filled prayer, we are equipped to stand firm in the evil day, fully armored with the Word of God.

Jesus Christ Bride Assembly’s Vision for the Future

Voice of the Bride Ministry is not just focused on the present; we have a clear vision for the future that is rooted in God’s promises. Our goals include the completion of our permanent church site, which will serve as a hub for spiritual growth, community outreach, and global evangelism. Beyond the physical expansion, our vision is to continue growing in influence as a ministry that boldly proclaims the truth, exposes error, and prepares the Bride of Christ for His return. We are committed to training up the next generation of believers, equipping them to carry the mantle of faith with the same zeal and commitment as those who came before them.

Notice of Ministry Name Change

Voice of the Bride Ministry is pleased to announce a change in our official name following our registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission. The ministry will now be known as Jesus Christ Bride Assembly. However, Voice of the Bride Ministry remains the name divinely given and will continue to be used as an alias.

This change was necessitated by a name conflict discovered during the registration process. Along with this name change, we will also be introducing updates such as a new logo and a redesigned website, set to launch next year.

To clarify, our church will be officially recognized as Jesus Christ Bride Assembly, also known as Voice of the Bride Ministry. We appreciate your understanding and support as we transition to this new chapter.

The Overseer – Jesus Christ Bride Assembly

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