From the Overseer’s Desk
Why We Stand Against Denominationalism
Voice of the Bride Ministry stands firmly against denominationalism, believing that it creates divisions within the Body of Christ that are contrary to God’s will. Jesus prayed for the unity of His followers in John 17:21, desiring that ‘they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You.’ We reject the man-made traditions and doctrinal deviations that have fragmented the church into competing denominations. Instead, we are committed to returning to the purity of the apostolic faith, where believers are united under the truth of God’s Word, free from the heresies and sectarianism that have plagued the church for centuries.
The Voice of the Bride Ministry’s Vision for the Future
Voice of the Bride Ministry is not just focused on the present; we have a clear vision for the future that is rooted in God’s promises. Our goals include the completion of our permanent church site, which will serve as a hub for spiritual growth, community outreach, and global evangelism. Beyond the physical expansion, our vision is to continue growing in influence as a ministry that boldly proclaims the truth, exposes error, and prepares the Bride of Christ for His return. We are committed to training up the next generation of believers, equipping them to carry the mantle of faith with the same zeal and commitment as those who came before them.
Prayer as a Weapon: Spiritual Warfare in the End Times
In these last days, prayer is not just a spiritual discipline—it is a weapon of warfare. At Voice of the Bride Ministry, we understand that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil (Ephesians 6:12). Our prayer meetings are battlegrounds where believers engage in spiritual warfare, pulling down strongholds and claiming victory in the name of Jesus. We teach that prayer is the means by which we access the power of God to overcome the enemy’s tactics and to secure our place in God’s plan for the end times. Through fervent, faith-filled prayer, we are equipped to stand firm in the evil day, fully armored with the Word of God.
Truly one of God’s channels for salvation today. A formidable life boat